Page 98 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 98


                               TREATMENT SYSTEM FOR GWM

                     averi District in Karnataka has          this critical issue, the ‘Nirmal Haveri’
                     successfully set up a unique             campaign was launched.
             Hinline           treatment    system      to
                                                              The pilot project implemented a two-stage
              manage greywater from households and
                                                              sedimentation pond followed by a CW as an
              establishments. This nature-based and
              cost-effective technology ensures that all      inline treatment system and a bypass drain
              greywater is treated, before it enters the      to manage wet weather flow.
              river, and mitigates pollution risks.
                                                              Inline treatment: The system involves a
              Located on the banks of the Tungabhadra         horizontal subsurface  flow CW designed
              River, Kodiyal GP has a population of           based on treatment targets, influent
              approximately 8,500 with sufficient water       quantity, and quality. The wetland’s removal
              supply for their needs. However, the            efficiency and maximum flow capacity are
              wastewater generated in the GP used to          determined by its surface area and cross-
              contaminate the adjacent river. To address      sectional area. Generally, a surface area of

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