Page 100 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 100


                               RESOLVES GREYWATER ISSUES

                               THROUGH WSP TECHNOLOGY

                     amwala Sainwala GP, located in           Previously, the village faced issues of
                     the Sirmaur District of Himachal         greywater overflowing onto paths and
              APradesh, has successfully addressed            mixing with other waste materials, resulting
              the challenges of stagnant water and            in dirty roads ad breeding grounds for flies
              overflowing wastewater by constructing          and mosquitoes.
              a WSP and a drainage channel spanning
                                                              To address this problem, the Pradhan, with
              300 m.
                                                              the support of the District administration,
              This initiative was led by Pradhan Shri         launched an IEC campaign across all seven
              Sandeepak Tomar, and was a part of SBM-G        wards of the GP, raising awareness about
              Phase-II, undertaken to ensure effective        the SBM-G Phase-II campaign and the
              wastewater treatment and sustainability of      importance of visual cleanliness.
              the GP’s ODF status.

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