Page 97 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 97

the community. Since Sarpanch Karam             to   the   GP.   Community      mobilization
               Singh was elected in 2018, his priority has     activities were conducted to raise about
               been to rejuvenate the village pond. PRI        the technology’s benefits including the
               members even contacted the local MLA and        utilization of treated water for irrigation and
               conducted numerous community meetings           cleaning of the village.
               to address the issue. They also reached out
               to the Executive Engineer of the Department     WSP technology: Also known as Oxidation
               of Water Supply and Sanitation, Malerkotla      Pond technology, WSP is a natural
               to inquire about the availability of funds      wastewater treatment system that involves
               under SBM-G.                                    the use of a series of ponds. WSP ponds
                                                               consist of a series of three or more ponds
               With    the   support    of    the   District
                                                               that are designed to work in sequence
               administration, a comprehensive action
               plan was developed. Officials from the          including a screen chamber, a grit chamber,
               Department of Water Supply and Sanitation       anaerobic pond, a facultative pond, and a
               in Malerkotla introduced WSP technology         maturation pond.


                                  The pond’s renovation has transformed

                                  Sultanpur village, making it clean and
                                  free of foul smells. It has attracted many

                                  visitors to the pond area, increased the
                                  water capacity, and contributed to the

                                  overall improvement of community health.

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