Page 95 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 95
The development partners assisted connecting all households to the treatment
Bharasar in revising their VSP based on a plant. The GP played a significant role in
comprehensive assessment of the LWM allocating land and generating revenue
situation in the village. The assessment for the construction and installation of the
revealed that approximately 200 KLD of treatment plant.
wastewater, consisting of both black and
grey water, was being generated. DEWATS wastewater treatment
technology: DEWATS technology is easy
Further technical assistance was provided, to integrate into built environments and
including the preparation of a Detailed adaptable to various organic wastewater
Project Report (DPR), capacity building characteristics. The system includes
activities, community mobilization, and primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment
resource mobilization. Discussions and processes, and their combinations can
strategic meetings were held among the be customized based on the required
PRI, SBM-G District team, and UNICEF to treatment efficiency, costs, land availability,
identify a robust LWM system for the village. etc. Thus, the technology is effective,
Among the available options, the PRI efficient and affordable as a wastewater
members finalized the DEWATS technology,
treatment solution for small- and medium-
which was approved by the DRDA.
sized enterprises.
Donor funding for LWM: The project
To treat the wastewater, natural
received a donation of Rs. 86,22,361 from an
bacteria and plants are used and gravity
NRI resident of the village, which expedited
plays a crucial role in the planning
the construction of the wastewater
process. DEWATS technology is particularly
treatment plant. Subsequently, the PRI
suitable for treating high organic loading,
members were oriented on the technology’s
including wastewater from small-bore
O&M. A handover meeting was conducted
sewer systems or mixed with supernatant
on 6 June 2022 with PRI members, the
from septic tanks.
Sarpanch and community members, and
the plant was handed over to the GP for
Greywater generated in Bharasar
was effectively treated, and this
eliminated stagnant water and
prevented overflow of wastewater
onto village paths.
Swachhata Chronicles: Transformative Tales from India 75