Page 102 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 102


                               CONSTRUCTS OVER

                               28.6 LAKH SOAK PITS

                    he Sujlam 3.0 campaign, held from 5 th    SBM-G Phase-II prioritized the management
                    May to 5  June 2023, witnessed the        of greywater, by using simple, sustainable,
              Tremarkable construction of 28,61,040           and cost-effective techniques near the
              soak pits, as recorded in the IMIS of DDWS.     source itself.
              This campaign aimed to manage greywater
              across all levels so that States and UTs could   States and UTs could avail SBM-G funds for
              achieve ODF Plus Model status.                  the implementation of the campaign and
                                                              setting up of LWM assets in convergence
              Among the total GWM assets created by           with 15  FC Grants and MGNREGA funds.
              the campaign as of 6  June 2023, 21,64,867
              were soak pits; 1,91,048 were leach pits;       During the month-long campaign, States/
              3,65,683 were magic pits; and 1,39,442 were     UTs undertook various activities, including
              community soak pits.                            promoting household-level GWM assets
                                                              such as soak pits, leach pits, and magic

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