Page 103 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 103

pits. They also focused on constructing         suitable for all terrains and soil types,
               community soak pits to manage greywater         particularly for high-water table areas. The
               at drainage discharge points and ensuring       nutrients contained in greywater provide
               that GWM systems were set up in all             nourishment to growing plants. Many
               community places and public buildings.          kitchen gardens were set up during the
                                                               Sujlam 3.0 campaign.
               Soak pits play a crucial role in treating
               greywater from kitchens and bathrooms,          SBM-G Phase-II has actively fostered
               preventing the contamination of freshwater      community participation and behaviour
               sources. They prevent waterlogging or           change, harnessing the capacities of
               stagnation of used water.                       individuals and communities in rural India to
                                                               sustain ODF status promote safe sanitation
               Kitchen gardens are also an environment-
                                                               practices, and improve cleanliness through
               friendly method of handling greywater,
                                                               SLWM arrangements.


                                       The construction of 28,61,040 soak

                                       pits during the Sujlam 3.0 campaign

                                       has provided effective treatment of
                                       wastewater generated in households
                                       and establishments, and has helped

                                       keep the villages clean.

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