Page 89 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 89
How the Nehveen Model works: The into honeycomb pits measuring 10×10 feet.
model follows a specific process – the first One half of the pits is filled with stones,
chamber is a tank equipped with an iron which filter small solid particles, while the
grill, measures 7X7 feet and traps all solid other half allows water to penetrate the
waste particles floating into the drain, to ground. This five-step filtration process
facilitate their collection and segregation. ensures the safe disposal of wastewater.
The second chamber, measuring 5x5 feet,
To maintain the system, sludge from both
contains a band pipe that traps dust, smaller
chamber tanks need to be removed every
particles and oily substances for subsequent
7–14 days, depending on the quantity of solid
collection. Once solid and floating particles
waste particles present in the greywater.
are removed, the wastewater is channelled
The Nehveen Model effectively
manages regular greywater generated
by households, while provisions have
been made for rainwater to flow into
the wastewater pond directly without
affecting the system’s functionality in
any way.
Swachhata Chronicles: Transformative Tales from India 69