Page 88 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 88


                               MODEL FOR COMMUNITY-

                               LEVEL GWM

                  itanwas GP in Kairu Block of Bhiwani        The Nehveen Model is a combination of a
                  District, Haryana, adopted an innovative    soak pit and a leach pit. A soak pit is a dug-
              JNehveen model for community-level              out pit filled with graded stones and gravels,
              GWM, to augment the groundwater table,          recommended for installation near hand
              which is generally low in the region.           pumps, stand posts, etc. at community
                                                              level to manage greywater and replenish
              The intervention cost Rs. 1.49 lakhs, and
                                                              the groundwater table. On the other hand,
              catered to approximately 200 households,
                                                              the leach pit consists of either honeycomb
              with successful increase in the groundwater
                                                              brick masonry with cavities in alternate
              level by 2 feet. Based on this result, the
                                                              layers or stacking of concrete rings with 5–6
              District administration has selected 84
                                                              holes in each ring. Treated water is allowed
              more villages where similar Nehveen Model
                                                              to percolate into the ground and raise the
              treatment plants will be set up under SBM-G
                                                              groundwater table.

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